Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have your Third Eye all open? In this week’s episode of Psychic Evolution, Jamie and Maggie tune into a listener’s question about opening the third eye and having this chakra …
Are you curious about what 2023 has in store for you? We are breaking down the numerology of this calendar year as we universally embrace the vibration of seven. The energy of seven brings in more introspection, contemplation, intellectual and...
Enjoy a guided meditation to help merge with the consciousness of your Higher Self. Cultivating a deeper and more active relationship with your Higher Self will allow you to develop your psychic abilities with trust and ease. Love is the …
There’s nothing quite like the energetic environment a spiritual retreat provides, giving you greater access to the multidimensional aspects of yourself. Being enveloped in a safe space supports your journey to rediscover your light, and reach new...
Have you ever questioned decisions you’ve made? Or wondered what your life would be like if you had made one choice over another? Can free will exist in the same space as destiny? Join us while we answer this question, …
Psychic development requires you to expand your consciousness so that you’re open to reaching new levels of growth and perspective through discovery of the higher self. Essentially, this expansion is the same thing as what some call, “The...
Skeptical of the power of energy or the concept of spiritual physics? Instead of asking how things work and why, consider asking “why not?” This simple shift of perspective may open you up to recognizing the energy around you, giving …
Clairvoyant Exercises Episode 13 Clairvoyance is one of the most active metaphysical senses in our world. Not everyone’s visual messages are the same, nor does everyone have a strong ability in psychic seeing, but it’s a key sense to...
Do you only view yourself as a psychic, and not a medium? If so, let this message sink in: The more that you work with your psychic abilities, the more you're developing your mediumship, and vice versa. On this episode …
It feels magical to be able to access future memories during a reading, but it’s not such a contained, unique experience. We are always using our energies, words and actions to co-create these memories; and understanding our ability to work …
Struggling to quiet your mind and open your soul to the universe? Meditation is one practice that can help you get past all life’s distractions and focus on your metaphysical senses. When our consciousness is awakened in a meditative state, …
Have you ever been excited to get a Tarot reading, but then a card like The Devil or Death shows up and you go into panic mode? These cards have a bad reputation, but their true meaning isn’t as sinister …
Synchronicities Season 6, Episode 8 Synchronicities are beautiful and mysterious occurrences that can help guide you and open your eyes to new potentials you didn’t even know existed. How do you identify synchronicities when you see...
Dealing with loss is one of life’s biggest challenges. How do you cope after a loved one passes on? How do you step forward into the next phase of your life with meaning and purpose? For LaVonne Wells, her grief …
On the path to spiritual alignment, we each find different tools, practices, and rituals that speak to us. For some, it might be meditation or prayer. For others, it might be dream journaling, spending time in nature, or reading tarot …
Trust Your Higher Guidance with Jean Hanson Episode 5 Are limiting beliefs preventing you from accessing your intuition? Believe it or not, your Higher Guidance is always leaving you small, subtle, clues gently nudging you in the right...
Did you know that different sound frequencies and the cycles of the moon have a huge impact on our health, mood, creativity, and even our work? Today’s guest believes that, by understanding these important instruments, we can work with them …
Connecting to your Higher Self is one of the greatest journeys that you can embark on, especially in uncertain times like these. That’s why, in this episode of Psychic Evolution, we dig into the integration of the Higher Self in …
We want to hear from you! If there is a question brewing inside your mind about your psychic abilities, there are probably hundreds more wondering the same thing. So we are taking your questions in today’s episode and answering them …
As we fine tune our psychic abilities, we must consider all metaphysical sensations that can contribute to a psychic reading. This helps in navigating the messages received to paint a clearer picture of what is coming through. One particular clair...