It's all about the Evolution of your Psychic Senses!!!

Dolores Cruz

Dolores Cruz is an American author and writer. She has published
two books about grief and healing after the passing of her youngest child, her then 24-year-old son, Eric – Look Around, and A Bird Called Wisdom. She has written two articles about grief and healing which were published by the HuffPost and she has an online blog. She is driven to promote discussion around grief, which she sees as part of life. She is a Certified Grief Educator and Grief Yoga Instructor. She is an Affiliate Leader and Caring Listener for Helping Parents Heal. Dolores is also a tap dance instructor at the local community college. She lives in the Los Angeles area with her husband, Joey, as well as her four children (with Eric in Spirit) and her granddaughter.

Oct. 9, 2024

S10 Ep3: Shining Light Parents Speak

What are the odds that the four mothers (all formerly strangers) behind the book, “Shining Light Parents Speak,” each have a son ‘on the other side’, who passed in a single-vehicle road trauma incident? Explore the mediumship, grief, and love...

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