It's all about the Evolution of your Psychic Senses!!!

Jean Hanson

Jean Hanson Profile Photo

Intuitive / Healer / Author

Jean Hanson is a Certified Higher Guidance Life Coach, energy healer and co-owner of Realign Your Life Wellness Center in Mesa, Arizona. Prior to this, Jean and her husband, Steve, owned two successful companies that helped thousands of business owners through the tools and guidance they provided for their online community. Answering the call of their own higher guidance, they sold their last company, sold their home in Minnesota, and moved across the country to start another business to help others heal, while at the same time realizing their dream of living in Arizona. You can learn more about Jean and her business at and

Sept. 28, 2022

S6 Ep5: Trust Your Higher Guidance with Jean Hanson

Trust Your Higher Guidance with Jean Hanson Episode 5 Are limiting beliefs preventing you from accessing your intuition? Believe it or not, your Higher Guidance is always leaving you small, subtle, clues gently nudging you in the right...

Listen to the Episode