Nancy Hejna is a visual artist and late blooming, American author, recently retired from a career in pediatric occupational therapy. She is mother to four incredible children; Katie, Maggie, Will and Joe. Both her sons passed in separate incidents at age 26. Nancy has published two books in their memory: In Search of an Alternate Ending in 2019; and her memoir, Rainbow Hair, through Lisa Hagan Literary in 2023. Nancy is a Caring Listener for the Helping Parents Heal organization and was part of a team that published the book: Shining Light Parents Speak, a compilation of wisdom from the organization’s leaders. Nancy enjoys spending time near beautiful Lake Michigan with family, beloved cats, and backyard chickens.
What are the odds that the four mothers (all formerly strangers) behind the book, “Shining Light Parents Speak,” each have a son ‘on the other side’, who passed in a single-vehicle road trauma incident? Explore the mediumship, grief, and love...