It's all about the Evolution of your Psychic Senses!!!

Viviane Chauvet

Viviane Chauvet Profile Photo


Viviane Chauvet is an international speaker and Arcturian Holographic Matrix Master Healer, representing the advanced and enlightened Arcturian star civilization. Viviane's emanation came to the planet as an advanced biological Arcturian hybrid. She is in constant telepathic communication with her team of light, and serves as an ambassador between higher spheres of realities and the earth plane.Her inspirational hybrid life story has touched the heart and soul of thousands of people through out the world. Today, Viviane has a spiritual and healing practice dedicated to assist people deeply heal in mind, body and spirit.

Her Galactic Family are conduits of Light Consciousness who create profound paradigm shifts at a planetary and collective level to move from fragmented energies of duality, to oneness. Part of their mission is to help human beings in reestablishing their true heart-centered power, thus integrating soul fragments and accessing higher mental faculties. We are here to awaken you to your True Self & Origins!

Dec. 21, 2022

S6 Ep17: Sacred Embodiment of the Unconditional YOU with Viviane Chau…

There’s nothing quite like the energetic environment a spiritual retreat provides, giving you greater access to the multidimensional aspects of yourself. Being enveloped in a safe space supports your journey to rediscover your light, and reach new...

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June 30, 2022

S5 EP19: Starseed Awakening with Viviane Chauvet

Join Jamie and Maggie Clark with their guest, Viviane Chauvet, as they talk about her teachings to inspire starseeds and lightworkers to live in universal oneness as a sovereign divine essence of light. Viviane is the founder of Infinite Healing …

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Dec. 15, 2021

S4 Ep15: Arcturian Ways with Viviane Chauvet

Join Jamie and Maggie Clark with their guest, Viviane Chauvet, as they talk about the ways of the Arcturians, a humanoid extraterrestrial species native to the planet Arcturus. In this episode, she shares some interesting insights about Arcturians,...

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May 26, 2021

Psychic Evolution S3E17: Going Cosmic with Special Guest, Viviane Cha…

In this Episode, Jamie and Maggie go interstellar with Viviane Chauvet, an internationally recognized Arcturian hybrid. Explore the Ascension, multi-dimensional healing, quantum shifts in the Earth’s matrix grids, and what it means to be a Starseed....

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