It's all about the Evolution of your Psychic Senses!!!


March 13, 2025

S10 Ep7: Psychic Readings with Aphantasia

Aphantasia is a condition that affects approximately two percent of the population where people are unable to mentally visualize images in their head. How does one develop their psychic senses without the use of clairvoyance and their third eye? Based on a listener’s question, Jamie and Maggie explore tools and…

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July 31, 2024

S10 Ep2: Multidimensional Pizza

What dimensions are blending together for the expansion of consciousness for humanity? We are multidimensional beings. Every dimension has its own vibratory rate, frequency and expression. Join Jamie and Maggie as they discuss the possibilities of blending different dimensions and unifying consciousness within to explore the potential of the universe.…

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July 17, 2024

S10 Ep1: Golden Frequencies

Have you tapped into the power of golden frequencies? Join Jamie and Maggie Clark for the Season 10 opener with the golden frequencies that are expanding our energy through the Sun and through the pure cosmos. Not only is it the golden light but the essence of the gold within…

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May 22, 2024

S9 Ep13: Helping Fathers Heal with Chris Ryan

Since the passing of his only son, Chris Ryan and his wife, Cyn, dove into researching the afterlife which ultimately led them to find the Helping Parents Heal organization. Their son, Sean, transitioned on September 7, 2021, at the age of 23 from fentanyl poisoning. He was two weeks shy…

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Oct. 25, 2023

S8 Ep12: The Persistence of the Soul with Mark Ireland

After the passing of his youngest son, Mark Ireland sought evidence for the continuity of consciousness after physical death. On his journey, Mark was able to connect with his son’s essence and observed a variety of phenomena supporting the survival hypothesis. Interweaving profound personal experience and scientific evidence, Ireland presents…

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Oct. 18, 2023

S2 Ep11: Gatekeeper & Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides are loving beings who teach, offer guidance, and keep us safe in the physical world, but what is the difference between a Master Guide and a Gatekeeper? A Gatekeeper is a guide who is used when you are practicing channeling spirits. This particular guide keeps only wanted energies…

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Oct. 11, 2023

S8 Ep10: Psychic Awakenings

How would a person know if they've had a psychic awakening or if they've somehow blocked off any or all of their abilities unknowingly? How would they fix that and how would they have a psychic awakening? In this week’s episode, Jamie and Maggie explore a listener’s question and share…

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Oct. 4, 2023

S8 Ep9: Quantum Energy Transformation™ with Joshua Bloom

Are you ready to unlock and own your authentic power, and to turn your potential into lasting paradigm shifts? Quantum Energy Transformation™ invites extraordinary empaths and intuitives to go inside themselves to access the Quantum Field. Join our special guest, Joshua Bloom, an internationally Acclaimed Trusted Authority on Quantum Transformation,…

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Sept. 27, 2023

S8 Ep8: The Magic of 3 6 9

In this week’s episode, we dive into the numerology of three, six and nine. Nikola Tesla was quoted, “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” Maggie shares the foundation of these numbers through their relationships to the Tarot…

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Sept. 21, 2023

S8 Ep7: Regulations for Psychic Development

How can you tell the difference between a female and male spirit or energy during a psychic or mediumship reading? How can you sense the difference between the energy of someone living in this third dimensional reality and also someone who has graduated life and is now on the other…

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Sept. 12, 2023

S8 Ep6: Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion® with Adele Leas

Do you want to learn how to be with your animal for healing? Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient hands-on Art for energizing the body, mind and spirit. Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion is a direct outgrowth of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) as practiced by thousands of people…

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Sept. 6, 2023

S8 Ep5: How long do we have to wait before we can connect with our loved ones on the other side?

When someone graduates life, also referred to as crossing over to the other side, how long do you need to wait before seeing a medium or making connections with your loved one? As a medium, Jamie Clark has been able to connect with other people’s loved ones within moments of…

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Aug. 30, 2023

S8 Ep4: Growing Up Psychic with Trinity Oracles

What is like growing up psychic? Join special guests, Jasmine, Erika, and Candace of Trinity Oracles as they share stories and wisdom of how to navigate life with special abilities. Jasmine’s first experience with mediumship was when her newly deceased uncle showed up and paid her a visit. Erika thought…

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Aug. 29, 2023

S8 Ep3: Ocean of Consciousness

You are the droplet, and the droplet is the ocean and we are one. Where do you vibrate in the ocean of consciousness and how does one thought, one feeling, one intention affect the whole? In this week’s episode, Jamie and Maggie explore consciousness of the All That Is and…

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Aug. 17, 2023

S8 Ep2: UFO Disclosures with Special Guest, Roberto Roja

What was disclosed during the current hearings in the Congress of the United States of America around UFOS? Join special guest, Roberto Roja, host of The Mystic Drop podcast as we dive into what was discussed, and how it's going to shift and change the consciousness of our relationship, not…

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Aug. 9, 2023

S8 Ep1: Can One Have a Physical Body When on the Other Side?

Do we have a physical body when we cross over? Is the other side just as solid as this one? Join Jamie and Maggie in this Season 8 opener as they talk about different dimensions holding their own vibration, light, energy and frequencies. Each reality is just as solid as…

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June 27, 2023

S7 Ep19: Psychic Connections, Q&A from Listeners

What does it mean when you have a strong psychic connection with another person? Could this be past lives, soul connections, or the same harmonic or wavelength? Is Tarot reading a form of channeling or is a higher source directing certain cards to come out of the deck and into…

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June 7, 2023

S7 Ep17: Electromagnetic Soul with Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer

Have you ever wondered why you get cold chills and tingles when spirit is around? What if that is just the electromagnetic field of an EMS, electromagnetic soul, that is inter phasing with you and all of life? Joining this episode of Psychic Evolution is Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer,…

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May 24, 2023

S7 Ep12: Walk Ins

There are rare occurrences when a soul will leave a body and a different soul will take over that physical vehicle. A walk-in experience is agreed upon by both souls and this occurrence is usually pre-planned before incarnation. As a soul exchange, you are given information and an integration of…

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May 17, 2023

S7 Ep14: Orbs of Light

Orbs of light can be validations from our loved ones on the other side and also they can be connected to extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, angels, loved ones, and elementals. An orb is a perfectly designed energy structure with no restrictive flow. Chi, Jamie’s Master Guide, shares insight during the recording of…

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May 11, 2023

S7 Ep13: Asking for help from your Spirit Team

Are you ready to build bonds of connection between you and your Spirit team who are dedicated to support you on your earthly journey? When you are in times of need and uncertainty, asking for help can bring unexpected advice, direction and loving assistance. They can not live your life…

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May 9, 2023

S7 Ep10: Channeling

Have you ever wanted to channel information, spirits, loved ones, books, automatic writing, energy, and entities? In this week’s episode, Jamie and Maggie discuss what channeling is and how to comfortably become a conduit for the energy of what or who you want to channel. Before beginning to channel make…

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April 27, 2023

S7 Ep11: What If You Preplan Your Life with Planets and Cosmic Energies?

How can you preplan your life with planetary alignments of celestial cosmic beings, planets, extraterrestrial connections, and signs of the zodiac? Choosing your time of birth is a way to use the precision of the Universe to help direct the course of your life. In this week’s episode Jamie and…

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April 12, 2023

S7 Ep9: All Time is Happening Now, How Does This Affect Reincarnation?

What if your loved one has already reincarnated into another human body? Does that mean they won't be able to show you whatever sign you ask to see? In this week’s episode, Jamie and Maggie answer a listener’s question on reincarnation. All time is happening now in the eternal essence…

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